Books & monographs


  1. Manuel I. Capel. Software and systems development based on components and services (In Spanish: “Desarrollo de software y sistemas basados en componentes y servicios”), Vol I. Ibergarceta, Madrid (Spain). ISBN: 978-84-1622-859-1, 2016.
  2. Manuel I. Capel Tuñón and Sandra Rodríguez Valenzuela. Distributed and Concurrent Systems (In Spanish): Teory and Practice, Vol. I and II. Copycentro, Granada (Spain). ISBN: 84-15536-68-0 and 84-15536-69-7, 2012.
  3. Manuel I. Capel, Juan A. Garbajosa Sopeña. Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems. INSTICC, Setúbal (Portugal), ISBN: 978-989-8425-12-6, 2010.
  4. M.I. Capel. Mathematical Modeling of Real-Time Processes. Mathematical Modeling of Technical Processes . Vol.I pp.63-90, 2001. Informatech (ISBN: 80-88941-18-0), Kosice (Slovakia), 2001.
  5. Manuel I. Capel.Software Analysis Methods for Real-Time Systems. In “Mathematical Modeling of Software Processes”. Informatech (ISBN: 80-88941-12-1), Kosice (Slovakia), 2000.


  1. Manuel I. Capel Tuñón and Laura K. Dillon and Theresa M. Casey and Betty H. C. Cheng. Towards Modal Modeling of Biological Systems. Michigan State University. MSU-CSE-09-6 (, 2009.
  2. M. J. Hornos, M.I. Capel. On-the-fly model checking from Interval Logic Specifications. University of Southampton. Technical Report DSSE-TR-2002-5, pp.1-12.Southampton (UK), December, 2002.

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