
Juan Carlos Torres

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Selected publications


F Conde-Rodríguez, JC Torres, ÁL García-Fernández,F. Feito (2017):A comprehensive framework for modeling heterogeneous objects.The Visual Computer 33 (1), 17-31

B Ramos, JC Torres, A Molina, S Martin-de-las-Heras (2017): A new method to geometrically represent bite marks in human skin for comparison with the suspected dentition. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences. 1(11) .

Romo, C., Conde, F. A., John, N. W., & Torres, J. C. (2017, September). Modeling Deformable Objects for Medical Training with Haptic Devices. In 2017 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW) (pp. 202-205). IEEE.

M. Torres, D.A. Pelta, J.L. Verdegay, J.C. Torres (2016): Coverage path planning with unmanned aerial vehicles for 3D terrain reconstruction. Expert Systems with Applications.55, pp. 441-451. 


FR Feito, J Ruiz-de-Miras, M Rivero, RJ Segura, JC Torres (2014): From theoretical graphic objects to real free-form solids. Information Sciences 269, 73-93


J.M. Noguera,J.C. Torres (2013): Interaction and visualization of 3D virtual environments on mobile devices. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.17 (7), pp. 1485-1486.


F. Soler, J.C. Torres, A.J. León, M.V. Luzón (2013): Design of cultural heritage information systems based on information layers. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 6 (4), 15.


J.C. Torres, L. Lopez, C. Romo, G. Arroyo, P. Cano, F. Lamolda, M.M. Villafranca (2013): Using a Cultural Heritage Information System for the documentation of the restoration process. Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2, 249-256. IEEE. ISBN: 978- 1-4799-3168-2.


Torres, J. C., Arroyo, G., Romo, C., & De Haro, J. (2012, September). 3D Digitization using structure from motion. In CEIG-Spanish Computer Graphics Conference (pp. 1-10).


S. Martin-de las Heras, A. Valenzuela, C. Ogayar, A.J. Valverde, J.C. Torres (2005). Computer-based production of comparison overlays from 3D-scanned dental casts for bite mark analysis. Journal of Forensic Science, 50(1).


D. Martín, J.D. Fekete, J.C. Torres (2002): Flattening 3D objects using silhouettes. Computer Graphics Forum. 21(3), 239-248


Martín, D., Garcia, S., & Torres, J. C. (2000, June). Observer dependent deformations in illustration. In Proceedings of the 1st international symposium on Non-photorealistic animation and rendering (pp. 75-82). ACM.


Feito, F. R., & Torres, J. C. (1997). Inclusion test for general polyhedra. Computers & Graphics, 1(21), 23-30.


F Feito, JC Torres, A Urena (1995): Orientation, simplicity, and inclusion test for planar polygons. Computers & Graphics.19 (4), 595-600


Torres, J. C., & Clares, B. (1993, December). Graphic objects: a mathematical abstract model for computer graphics. In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 311-327). Blackwell Science Ltd.



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